A major tip to looking stylish, fashionably knowledgeable, and simply fantastic is balance.
Today's focus being, how to wear over-sized or exaggerated garments.
The key is simple...
When wearing an over-sized top or exaggerated/full bottoms, pair them with simple, fitted partners. Exaggerated paired with exaggerated calls to mind childhood memories of playing dress-up with Mom's clothing. Cute when you're four-years-old. Not so cute as an adult.
So remember...balance is key in fashion.
One of my absolute favorite style inspirations, Rumi Neely, in her classic, no fuss fashion.
The over-sized sweater is balanced by the fitted, simple jeans.
(Photo from Rumi's facebook page)
This gorgeous, exaggerated, full skirt works because it is balanced by the fitted, classic cut of the blouse.
Kim's exaggerated, full tops look chic and stylish because they are paired with simple, skinnies.
"Almost every wise saying has an opposite one, no less wise, to balance it."
Quote by George Santayana